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Bobby White
Office: 931-363-2544
Mobile: 931-607-7357
Fax: 931-363-7330
Lee Ann Mize
Office: 931-363-2544
Mobile: 931-638-0662
Fax: 931-363-7330
Email: leeannm@realtracs.com
Hardin Franklin
Office: 931-363-2544
Mobile: 931-638-7438
Fax: 931-363-7330
Sam Hatfield
Office: 931-363-2544
Mobile: 931-309-7030
Fax: 931-363-7330
Email: shatfield@realtracs.com
Danielle Kirkpatrick
Office: 931-363-2544
Mobile: 931-309-3866
Fax: 931-363-7330
Email: dkirkpatrick@realtracs.com
Samantha Koehn
Office: 931-363-2544
Mobile: 931-309-9443
Fax: 931-363-7330
Email: skoehn@realtracs.com